Each Monday, for a number of weeks, someone from around the world will share the story of how they heard the gospel and trusted the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. This week’s contributor is Ángel Baez, who lives in Veracruz, Mexico with his wife, Monica.
My name Is Ángel Baez, and it is a privilege to share my testimony with you of how God saved my soul. It was 1997, when I was a high school student, that I had heard about the success of others who had left Mexico and gone to work in the United States. In 2001, I was contacted by an uncle in Florida who encouraged me to come to the US. He knew a ‘coyote’ (a human trafficker) who would help me cross into the United States. The coyote contacted me and made arrangements about where I could meet him near the US border. It was well known that many people from Mexico, Central and South America took their route through the Sonora desert into Arizona, US. I made arrangements with the coyote on where in Sonora I should meet up with him to cross.
Two weeks later, on September 11, 2001, I left Veracruz for the US border. This was an unforgettable day when the twin world trade towers in New York collapsed from terrorist attacks. For America it is said “we will never forget”, but I can also say “I will never forget it” because it was God’s plan for me. I never thought that God had such a blessing in store for me by saving my soul. That day my father walked me to the bus terminal in Veracruz. I got on a bus and two days later I arrived at a location near the US border. I went, like many, with the hope of making money and helping my family. The location, determined by the coyote, was where many came, before walking the rest of the way across the desert into the US. I had arrived at the specified location along with others and it was here we were to wait for coyotes to guide us across the border.
I was waiting for the coyote, but he never came, and at that point I remember that my money was running low. I had thought of returning back to Veracruz, however, four others from the state of Chiapas, Mexico encouraged me not to give up but to keep going. I still think of them and pray for them. The day eventually came when another coyote came for us, and together we set out walking and we walked for two and a half days. At that point we were picked up in the middle of the desert in a vehicle, to take us to a place of rest, where other immigrants rested, in Phoenix, Arizona.
Another coyote then took us from Arizona on three-day trip to Fort Meyers, Florida near where my uncle lived. My uncle picked me up and I stayed with him two weeks. While I was there, a cousin in Iowa contacted me and asked me if I would be interested in working in Iowa. I was, so I then travelled from Florida to Iowa. I stayed in Iowa and ended up working there for six years.
While in Iowa my mind was always on making money. I cannot complain, because it went well for me, and I was making good money. However, I was in my sins with no thought of God and displeasing Him in my life. I feel embarrassed to remember that time in my life. Two years later my father joined me, travelling up from Mexico to the same town where I lived in Iowa, where we lived together. One day someone invited my Dad to listen to the gospel, but he also invited me, because he knew that I needed the gospel as well.
I began to attend meetings but I didn’t have much interest or pay attention to what the preachers were saying. My mind was always distracted with other things. Many times I criticized the preachers, because how could they possibly know that heaven and hell actually existed? Then in 2006 I remember deciding to attend the Gospel Hall in Hampton, Iowa for myself. I recall that when I went it was a Wednesday, Bible study. When I arrived I was impressed by the kindness and friendliness of the people but I still did not understand Salvation. One day a brother from the assembly told me that he wanted to talk with me and I was interested to talk with him. He made arrangements to come by our apartment, but he could not make it and I was disappointed. However, he returned the following week at the same time. When he came, he began to open the Bible and explain to me God’s plan of Salvation. I still did not understand. Time passed and it was one Sunday, on May 14, 2006, that I understood the meaning of the Gospel. I understood through John 3:16 that my destiny in eternity would be heaven because of what the Lord Jesus Christ suffered on the cross of Calvary for my sins.
When I look back, I can see how the Lord preserved me in the desert, because I know many others who had died trying to cross the desert for a better life in the US. I remember how the Lord kept me when I was an unbeliever, and what would have happened if I had died in my sins. I would not have been here and I would have been lost forever.
This is my testimony and I believe that the forgiveness of sin is the most wonderful blessing a person could have in this life. My dear friend, if you are not saved don’t miss this opportunity. We do not have the guarantee of tomorrow. James 4:14 tells us:
“You do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.”
We are all fellow travelers to eternity. Receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour and you will enjoy the forgiveness of your sins and a citizenship in heaven.
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