Each Monday, for a number of weeks, someone from around the world has shared the story of how they heard the gospel and trusted the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. Our final contributor is a lady from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 

I was born in 1927 in a rural area of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. All my family and relatives were devout, practising Roman Catholics. I got married when I was 17 years old and had 12 children. When I was 45 my husband died.

It was only when I was 54, in 1981, that I first came into contact with the gospel.  One of my sons, Roberto, was saved that year, by the grace of God, and soon started telling me about God’s salvation.  Through his influence I began attending meetings in the Gospel Hall in Porto Alegre and stopped practising my religion. However, it was only 28 years later that I really thought much about the eternal destiny of my soul.

At the end of 2009, one of my sons-in-law died and I went to stay for a while with my widowed daughter. At that time a series of gospel meetings was ongoing in the Gospel Hall at Osório. Both of us were picked up each night and brought to the meeting.  At those meetings I was awakened to my need of salvation. One night, the preacher spoke about Naaman, in the book of 2 Kings, chapter 5, and that night, feeling the burden of my sin, I could not get to sleep.  In the early hours of the morning, I thought, “That proud man (Naaman) humbled himself and was saved, and why can not I?” I started thinking about the sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ upon the cross, and understanding that He died for my sins, I received Him as my Saviour. It was on 26th January 2010, when I was 82 years old. A month later, my daughter who also went to the Gospel meetings was saved, and in the next year, we were both baptised and received into fellowship in the assemblies of Porto Alegre and Osório, respectively. I am so thankful that God was long-suffering with me and now I live in the joy of knowing that my sins are all forgiven and have no fear of the future.  

I would like to thank all the contributors of the Testimony Monday series who kindly agreed to let me share their stories of conversion, as well as those who helped find suitable testimonies, and those who translated them. I trust you have been blessed by reading how others came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour. If you have questions about anything you have read, or would like to receive more information or a Bible, please contact me.


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